How Diseases Can Spread Between Horses and Yards via Equipment and Clothing: A Guide to Yard Biosecurity

How Diseases Can Spread Between Horses and Yards via Equipment and Clothing: A Guide to Yard Biosecurity

As a horse owner or rider, one of your top priorities is keeping your horses healthy and protected from illness. Unfortunately, viruses, fungus and bacteria like strangles, equine herpes virus (EHV), equine influenza, and ringworm are all too common in equine environments, and they can spread rapidly between horses and yards. A key factor in how these diseases spread often comes down to something you may not think about every day: equipment and clothing. It is important to remember that a horse who is carrying a virus or bacteria may not show visible signs of the disease; thus, using effective biosecurity measures around all horses is of utmost importance to help prevent the spread of disease.


How do Equine Diseases Spread?

Horses can contract illnesses through direct or indirect contact with another contaminated horse. One of the most overlooked methods of transmission is through indirect contact—meaning they can pick up viruses or bacteria via contact with shared equipment, tack, or clothing that has been contaminated. Here's how it works:

  • Direct contact between horses: This can occur through nose-to-nose contact or mutual grooming.
  • Indirect contact through contaminated equipment: Items like grooming brushes, saddles pads, tack, wheelbarrows, and buckets can all carry viruses and bacteria if they come into contact with an infected horse.
  • Indirect contact through contaminated clothing: Riders, yard staff, dentists, instructors, and anyone else working around the horses can unknowingly spread viruses and bacteria by wearing the same clothes, gloves or boots that have already come into contact with infected horses or surfaces.
  • Water: Some viruses and bacteria, like strangles, can survive for many days in water and spread through shared drinking throughs. 


Highly Contagious Equine Diseases & Other Illnesses

1. Strangles

Strangles, caused by the bacterium Streptococcus equi, is a highly contagious respiratory disease in horses. It spreads through direct or indirect contact, eg via shared equipment, buckets, tack, water troughs, rider wear and grooming tools. An infected horse can shed bacteria through nasal discharge, and the bacteria can live for hours or even days on contaminated surfaces. Not all infected horses show signs of infection, some can be carriers who spread the virus without becoming unwell themselves. 

2. Equine Herpes Virus (EHV)

EHV can cause a range of symptoms, from mild respiratory issues to neurological problems and abortion in pregnant mares. The virus spreads through direct horse-to-horse contact, but it can also linger on contaminated surfaces, such as tack, stable walls, and grooming equipment. As with strangles, it is especially difficult to contain in group settings like stables or competition yards, where the virus can spread quickly.

3. Equine Influenza

Equine influenza (or Equine Flu) is a highly contagious viral disease that affects the respiratory system. It spreads through the air via droplets when an infected horse coughs or sneezes, but it can also spread indirectly through equipment like bridles, tack, and even clothing. Horses can be infected without showing symptoms, which makes it tricky to identify carriers, furthering the spread of the disease.

4. Ringworm

Ringworm, a fungal infection caused by dermatophytes, is highly contagious and can be uncomfortable for horses. Its primarily spread through direct contact or via contaminated grooming equipment, saddle pads, and rugs. Because ringworm can survive for weeks on surfaces, it can easily transfer from horse to horse within a yard.


The Role of Yard Biosecurity in Disease Prevention

Yard biosecurity is all about protecting your horses from the risk of infection, especially in shared spaces where horses come into contact with one another and shared equipment. Practicing proper biosecurity measures can drastically reduce the risk of viruses and bacteria spreading through your yard and between yards, ultimately keeping your horses and horses in the wider community healthy and safe.

Our disinfectant has been proven to kill equine-specific diseases and is quick and easy to use. There is no need to rinse after use, as our disinfectant is safe for humans and horses and doesnt leave any nasty residue or chemicals. 


Key Biosecurity Practices to Protect Your Horses

  1. Disinfect Equipment Regularly: Its crucial to disinfect grooming tools, tack, water buckets, wheelbarrows, and anything else that comes into contact with horses. After using any equipment in a yard, clean and disinfect it thoroughly before moving it to another area or using it on a different horse.  Our All-Purpose Disinfectant Spray is ideal for quickly disinfecting clothing, equipment and tack. 
  2. Disinfect or Change Clothing: If you have more than one horse or are visiting different yards, avoid wearing the same clothing, boots, or gloves for all horses. Contaminated clothing can easily transfer viruses and bacteria between horses.  If you are working at multiple yards, make sure to change your clothes or disinfect them thoroughly in between visits.
  3. Quarantine New Horses: New arrivals to your yard should be kept isolated for at least two weeks to ensure they arent carriers or any diseases. During this period, make sure their equipment and tack are kept separate from the rest of the yard and avoid contact with other horses. This gives you time to monitor for any signs of illness, such as coughing, nasal discharge, or lesions, and reduces the risk of introducing disease.
  4. Control Visitor Access: Limiting the number of people who visit your yard and making sure those who do are following good hygiene practices can help minimise the spread of viruses. Make sure visitors disinfect their boots, wash their hands, and use designated equipment when handling your horses. Have a clean zone” where everyone can change clothes if necessary and use your disinfectant products. Our All Purpose spray is easy for your visitors to use to quickly disinfect thier boots, gloves and clothing. 
  5. Regular Cleaning of Stables and Yards: Keeping your stables, horse walkers, and communal areas clean is crucial in preventing the spread of disease. Regularly disinfect surfaces and equipment, pay extra attention to areas like shared feed and water containers, as well as gates, fences, and any tools that may come into contact with horses.
  6. Vaccinate Your Horses: While biosecurity practices are key to preventing the spread of disease, vaccination is an essential part of protecting your horses against certain illnesses. Make sure your horses are up to date on vaccines.
  7. Use EBG Water Treatment: Bacteria and viruses such as strangles can survive in water for many days and infect multiple horses who are sharing the same water trough. Our Water Treatment kills strangles and other equine-specific diseases, as well as keeping your trough free from green algae. 

Your horseshealth and safety are directly impacted by the biosecurity measures you implement at your yard. By understanding how diseases can spread through equipment and clothing and by taking the necessary precautions, you can create a safer environment for your horses and minimise the risk of outbreaks. Whether youre managing a single horse or a full yard, always prioritise biosecurity by isolating new arrivals, disinfecting equipment and clothing and using our Water Treatment.

The investment you make in protecting your horses will pay off by preventing costly and disruptive outbreaks of disease. Dont wait until a virus arrives—act now to keep your horses happy, healthy, and free from harmful infections.

If you would like help and advice in keeping your yard and horses safe, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with Ben or Helen. We offer full yard services as well as easy-to-use disinfectant products that you can use daily to prevent the spread of viruses. 

Bespoke Equine Testing

We have gone to the very well respected equine laboratory of the Irish Equine Centre to have additional efficacy testing carried out. 

We have commissioned testing done to unusually low contact times across various dilution rates. These tests were carried out using an equine serum as an interfering agent under clean and dirty conditions